Don Converse

Don Converse

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Top 10 Customer Service Mistakes

With my apologies to David Letterman, let me present (in my opinion) the Service-Inspired Top Ten Customer Service Mistakes made by leaders of corporations, customer service reps and their managers.

10. Lack of knowledge about how much a lost customer can cost your company - in fact, you have the least experienced people handle your most important asset! Lost customers means lost revenues and profits.

9. You are not keeping your promises - you advertise one thing then make it impossible for your customers to deal with you!

8. You look at customer service as a cost instead of what it really is, an investment - It costs up to ten times more to attract new customers than to keep present ones.

7. You ignore the customer's problem! - This is the beginning of a crisis.

6. You don't listen to your customers! - you do plenty of talking, and may think you know what their problem is, but you did not hear it. Shut up and listen!

5. Corporate leaders and managers also don't listen to their customer service reps - these are the people on the front lines of the customer relationships, they know about your customers; you only think you do.

4. Lack of FOLLOW-UP! - Call your customers and ask, "Did we resolve your issue to your satisfaction?" If they say "no", ask them what it would take. "You are important to us." This applies to customer service reps, managers, and corporate leaders as well.

3. Customer service is only lip service - is customer service part of your company culture, or just something you casually mention while you talk about increasing your profits? Guess what, you want to increase your profits? Make customer service part of your Mission and Vision Statements, then require everyone in the organization to adhere to strict customer service standards.

2. Don't promote your best customer service people to management, give them a raise! - you need your best people on the front lines, not behind the scenes.

1. And, the number one customer service mistake is - Don't Smile!

Is anyone listening? Let me know some things you think should be added to the list. Maybe we can come up with a top 40.




Lady of the Latte said...

I think Letterman would be pleased by this Top Ten.

Perhaps you could e-mail this list to various companies; refer people to this blog; oh, and print this up on nice paper (maybe even laminate it) and give it to friends to hand-out whenever they go to a store and they feel they have received less-than swell customer service. You could even offer the cards on a website. It is a polite and educational way to promote awareness. Maybe that way people would start doing more than lip service.

You really know this material and I think what you are doing is a service to us all.

Your biggest fan.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Rev on this one.
Get this list out to the folks that need instead of preaching to customer service choir! (Good one, eh, Rev?)

I'll put on my thinking cap and come up with some more for your top 40 american bandstand.


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